Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Sambil2 sye blogwalking cari entry best..
Tiba-tiba terjumpe pulak satu lagu nih..

Korang nak tau lagu ape?
Sbnanye sye terjumpe lagu
I'm yours by Jason Mraz..haha

Tapi korang jgn slh faham..
Lagu yg sye jumpe nih hnye gune music lagu tuh je..
Tapi liriknye psl keTENSIONan thdp subjek Matematik..XD

Well you dont tell me how good maths is
Because I dont care and I will never learn it
I try to be good..
But it's too hard

With many geomatrics and homeworks to do now
Cubes Prism Pyramids and BoxesIt's very tough
And Im confused
But I dont want to do more
maths.. more maths.. It's very hard, and boring...
*Well open up your maths book and see
There's Just More of geomatrics
But i wont do more more more maths..
Best kn???Sgt kreatif...
Sesuai utk org2 xsuke math mcm KORANG?
OPSSS..sye teka je..kui3

so,korang cmne?
suke tak subjek Math?
Kalo tak suke..bleyla nyanyi lagu ni sme2..hihi

kla,skian sjer utk kali neyh..trimas :)


Pha Is said...

if people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is
-john louis von neumann

CikGu NuRuL said...

haha..sbg bakal cikgu Math..aku terpakse suke math..XD

kinn said...

oh bakal cikgu math ke? sy lak budak pure math. hihi :)

entry baru -> ini cerita semalam


BloG niey skdr unTuk penGisiaN & perk0nGsiaN di maSa laPaNG..TiaDa keNa menGeNa denGan individU yanG mAsiH hiDuP aTAu yAnG teLaH meninGGaL dUnia..Jika adE,ia cume kebetuLan semate2-matE...TrimaS (=


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